The archaeological heritage of the “Kalmak Kyrylgan” place is being studied by scientists of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Experts left with an expedition to explore the May district and lands where in the 18th century Kazakh warriors fought with the Dzungars.

Among the primary tasks of archaeologists is to find evidence of the military-political events of the 18th century related to the Kazakh-Dzungarian wars.

- One of the tasks will be to examine all the mountain peaks located in this territory. Because according to the legend there were observation posts. If these objects can be found, it will be a great success”, V. Mertz, Candidate of Historical Sciences, says the director of the A. Kh. Margulan Joint Archaeological Research Center.

Researchers also intend to find out the exact number of soldiers participating in the battle.

The “Kalmak Kyrylgan” territory is included in the list of local significance, and the purpose of this expedition is to include it in the national list of historical monuments.

PSU scientists are preparing to publish the book “Kalmakkyrylgan”. It will include: archaeological research, expert assessments of the socio-political relations of the Kazakh Khanate with Kalmaks, the study of the personalities of the Kazakh Batyrs, as well as the legends associated with this historical place.

Today, the opinions of scientists about the place where exactly the battles with the Dzungars took place, how many soldiers were in the units separated. For that reason, the expedition will continue, where experts will search for historical evidence.