Sergey Titov, a scientist at the Environmental Research Center “Monitoring” of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies and Natural Science at S.Toraighyrov PSU, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Zagreb (Croatia).

Doctoral studies took place at the PMF Faculty of Natural Sciences (Biološki odsjek, Prirodoslovno – matematički fakultet).

In his dissertation research under the guidance of Professor dr. sc. Mladen Kučinić, S. Titov presented the results of a unique study on the Faunistic, taxonomic and biogeographical features of the owl-like lepidopteran insects (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) of North-Eastern Kazakhstan.

“For the first time, a detailed analysis of the Noctuoidea fauna was carried out, extensive data were obtained on the faunistic, taxonomic, biogeographical, ecological, landscape-biotopic, geobotanical, and zonal distribution of the largest superfamily of lepidopterans in North-Eastern Kazakhstan.

“For the first time, a detailed analysis of the Noctuoidea fauna was carried out, extensive data were obtained on the faunistic, taxonomic, biogeographical, ecological, landscape-biotopic, geobotanical, and zonal distribution of the largest superfamily of lepidopteran insects in North-Eastern Kazakhstan.

During the research 485 species were found. In particular, we described two new species for the world science from the territory of Pavlodar region - Orthosia ronkayorum and Victrix akbet”, S. Titov says.

During the ceremony, the rector of the University of Zagreb, Damir Boras, congratulated scientists, awarding them with diplomas and nominal medals DR.SC.

It should be noted that similar studies were conducted in Pavlodar region for the first time, and in the future they will help to assess the biological wealth of the region and the whole of Kazakhstan.