Students of the Department of Russian Philology, together with the faculty held a literary and musical evening dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory “And the saved world remembers ...”.

During the meeting, participants remembered the key events of 1941-1945: the battle of Moscow, the Siege of Leningrad, the Battle of Stalingrad, the partisan movement and others, illustrating them with the works of A. Tvardovsky, M. Aliger, Y. Drunina, S. Shchipacheva, K. Simonova. The participants sang songs on military subjects, and also shared stories of their families, parents who lived through war.

Students emphasized the feat of Pavlodar people with special trepidation.

“During the war years in the region about a hundred thousand men and women were trained in military affairs and military specialties. 40486 people were mobilized from the Pavlodar region into the army. Losses on the fronts amounted to 21,830 people. Our countrymen took part in all major battles. More than 10 thousand people were awarded military awards. 23 people from Pavlodar received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 8 people became fu Full Cavalier of the Order of Glory”, said 3rd year student Adila Ibrayeva.

In her speech, PhD Ayman Nurgazina emphasized that every year the heroic and tragic years of the Great Patriotic War are farther and farther became history.

“Time has its own memory - history. The world will never forget this tragedy. Today our main task is to keep the memory of the war so that the events of those years do not happen again”, said A. Nurgazina.

At the end of the meeting, those present paid a minute's tribute of silence to the memory of fallen heroes.