The regional selection stage of the Republican contest of start-up projects “Startup Bolashak 4th season: Menin Armanym” was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Qualification phase is held at PSU for the second year. Its main goal is to support young entrepreneurs, improve the quality of life, transfer advanced knowledge and technology into the socio-economic life of the country, as well as the emergence of a culture of entrepreneurship in the country.

Everyone interested from 16 to 29 years old could take part in the competition and compete for the title of the best: young scientists and emergent entrepreneurs, students with innovative business ideas. Schoolchildren of the Chernoretsk secondary school № 1 and Altynsarin Kazakh boarding school participated on a par with the other participants.

During the competition, the participants underwent a three-day “promotion” of skills, attended trainings, created pitch-presentations and other.

According to the results of the qualifying round, 11 best projects were selected that went to the quarter-finals, including an additional reality service for events and business, a system designed to identify the most competent specialists for the vacant position, knitting using special techniques, making key chains, creative cards and statuettes , production of biohumus and much more.