The republican student theater festival “Meetings on the Great Silk Road” was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The purpose of the festival is the development and improvement of the student's non-professional theatrical movement in Kazakhstan, the development of the creative abilities of young people and the aesthetic education of the audience.

The organizers were the Institute “Rukhani Zhagyru” and the department of educational work and social issues of PSU.

Representatives of student theaters and creative associations from Nur-Sultan, Aktobe, Semey, as well as Pavlodar took part in the event, which was held as part of the implementation of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru”.

Representatives of the “Murager” creative association of PSU were out of competition.

The festival was held in three stages, where participants talked about their teams, demonstrated their homework - a “historical performance” about famous personalities. The most difficult stage was improvisation. Participants for a short period of time had to perform tasks on the stage in the form of staging.

The jury appreciated the chosen repertoire, acting skills of the performers, true representation and vividness of the image, as well as the originality of the director's idea.

At the end of the festival the winners were announced.

The “Dala” team of the music school named after Mukan Tulebaev became the first place winners.

The creative association “Akbergen” of Aktobe Humanitarian College won the second place.

The “Shanyrak” team of L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University won the third place.

In addition, the winning teams were awarded money certificates for 100 000, 50 000 and 30 000 tenge.