On April 19, an offsite meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Heads of both domestic and foreign universities of Tomsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk regions and the Altai Territory gathered to discuss the development of entrepreneurial education. Akim of Pavlodar region Bulat Bakauov and chairman of the Council of Rectors of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sadykov also took part in the event.

“Today we are faced with such strategic goals and objectives, the achievement of which guarantees the stable development of Kazakhstan, ensuring a decent standard of living of the people and entry into the world community. Without a doubt, one of these tasks is the development of entrepreneurship. Our education system can accept and implement entrepreneurial ideas and projects, cultivating in young people the ability to take responsibility and the opportunity to earn. Our goal is to form young talented entrepreneurs and authors of innovative projects, investors, representatives of technoparks, leading regional universities and research institutes”, Bulat Bakauov said.

In her report, Gaukhar Akhmetova, Rector of S.Toraighyrov PSU, emphasized that training high-demand personnel is one of the key indicators of the quality of educational services.

“Each university should find its own formula for achieving this indicator. And to understand whether this formula works or not is possible only in practice. PSU for the last few years has been purposefully approaching this, and now they are three main components that ensure the competitiveness of graduates. This is a close cooperation with the real sector of the economy, the use of modern educational technologies and the formation of the business environment. If earlier we had a motto that PSU students do not look for work, but create it, now we supplement it, by saying that every such work, every business project is primarily a desire to improve the living environment, improve the quality of human life, introduce and change reality”, G. Akhmetova said.

During the meeting, the heads of higher educational institutions visited the art-garage and the Start-up academy, where DemoDay was started. New startups will be invested by large industrial enterprises and companies not only from Pavlodar region, but also from all over Kazakhstan.

About 20 start-up projects, including universities of Omsk and Novosibirsk, as well as the ecosystem of S.Toraighyrov PSU for the development of entrepreneurship and business education were presented to the guests.

PSU spinoffers told about their developments - Alexander Neftissov, Saken Ordabayev and Vyacheslav Monakhov: an electric bike TOR that doesn’t pollute atmospheric air and create nois, “ATMOS WATER” is the water from the air, hydrogen generator creates a more efficient and cheaper type of fuel.

The meeting will end with a summing-up of DemoDay. The orchestra of the Kazakh national instruments named after R. Omarov will perform with a festive concert.