Students of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University returned with successful results from the Republican subject Olympiad, which was held at Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Almaty.

The competition was attended by students of eleven universities of Kazakhstan studying in the specialties “Architecture”, “Design”, “Construction” and “Production of building materials, materials and structures”.

According to the evaluation of the members of the jury, the students of S.Toraighyrov PSU received high results.

So, in the specialty “Production of building materials and structures” a student Aidana Shapen was awarded a diploma of II degree.

Diploma of the III degree in the specialty “Design” was received by the work of a student Zarina Sydykova.

Student Aida Dusembayeva was awarded the highest award - a diploma from the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan for the professional performance of the competition project, in the specialty “Architecture”.

Students Anel Abdrakhmanova and Altynai Aliyeva are holders of certificates for high architectural and artistic ideas.