The Vice-Rector for Development Strategy, Educational and Social Work of Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Political Sciences Arman Akishev addressed the audience, noting that the university is proud of the traditions of the volunteer movement.

“Today, the humanistic ideas of volunteering unite dozens of energetic, not indifferent PSU students with an active lifestyle. You sincerely strive to bring benefits to society, to realize your knowledge, talent, and experience for the sake of creative deeds”, A. Akishev added.

During this time, the volunteer team “LAVIE DOBRO” did a great job. Its activity is aimed not only at assistance in organizing events and conferences, but also at social support of citizens in need.

The volunteers of the team held more than one charity event: charity fairs, a visit to a family-type children's home, a center for the rehabilitation of autistic children, etc.

Recently, the detachment was awarded at the regional forum “VOLUNTEER.PVL” for contributing to the development of the volunteer movement.

The meeting of the most not indifferent and responsive students ended with a performance from the soloists of Friday Lamb.