Rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University met with graduate students studying within the state program “Mangilik el zhastary - industriyaga!” - “Serpіn”.

The event was also attended by the head of the migration department of the Office for the Coordination of Employment and Social Programs of Pavlodar Region, Meruert Esembayeva, and the faculty staff of PSU.

During the meeting, M. Esembayeva told the students about the resettlement program in Pavlodar region, which includes the provision of financial assistance, reimbursement of expenses for housing rent, the provision of rooms in hostels for working youth, assistance in employment and development of entrepreneurship in the new place of residence and other benefits.

Let us remind that this year the first graduation of students enrolled within the program “Mangilik el zhastary - industriyaga!” - “Serpin” will take place in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University named after. Thus, 267 students from 16 educational programs will graduate from the university.

During the academic year, the university held a series of activities on the future employment of students, including round tables with employers, trainings, and graduate fairs.

According to the results of the meetings, a number of students have already found jobs in such industrial enterprises as “Aluminum of Kazakhstan” JSC, PB LLP “KSP Steel”, JSC “Pavlodar REDC”, etc.