Startup Fest, dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Enactus PSU team, was held in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Young startupers from Pavlodar, Semipalatinsk, Astana and Aksu gathered to present their projects. 5 projects were chosen for acceleration: Warm stop with usb ports, educational games, hippotherapy, Office box, advertising boxes.

Albina Yerzhanova, the president of Enactus Kazakhstan was among the guest of honor.

Participants took part in unique training and projects promoting by the founder of the school of social entrepreneurship Emin Askerov and the manager of the Yuframe vine-team Rassul Abdullayev.

“Finding yourself is the tag line of the Yuframe team and one of my main missions. Having found himself, a person knows their minuses and advantages, can fully realize their potential, which brings great benefits”, said R. Abdullayev.

The event also included a battle of startups, where the best of them received funds for prototyping and mentoring assistance from experts.

Following the meeting, the title of the best startup and funding for the prototype received the project “Y-cup”. The team plans to develop the platforms for eSports.

The first order was given to startups “Poffy Bag” (Semey), aimed at producing frameless furniture and “Postcard Workshop” (PSU) - development, design and creation of unique cards in three languages.