A round table, dedicated to the issues of employment of graduate students enrolled within the program “Mangilik el zhastary - industriyaga!” - “Serpіn” for industrial enterprises of Pavlodar region was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The discussion was attended by heads and specialists of personnel services, training centers, representatives of government agencies, 12 major partners of the university, including JSC “Aluminum of Kazakhstan”, LLP “Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery”, PB LLP “KSP Steel”, JSC “PavlodarEnergo”, JSC “Sut” and others.

Today, 20 people have already been employed out of the 108 students doing pre-graduation practice at these enterprises, 83 have expressed a desire to continue working in the field.

In addition, a proposal was made to provide housing to graduates at the expense of enterprises and other state support measures.

Let us remind that at the university the training of specialists within the “Serpіn” program is conducted according to 16 educational programs from 2015. The first graduating class of 2019 is 267 people.