An Open Day was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Students had the opportunity to visit all faculties, laboratories and key divisions of the university. Students of not only schools and colleges of Pavlodar, but also nearby areas came to learn more about their future “Alma Mater”.

PSU student organizations conducted presentations and contests.

A quiz in which valuable gifts were raffled was a pleasant surprise for the guests. The students became owners of a cell phone, a tablet, and branded PSU t-shirts.

In addition, future applicants were able to ask questions to representatives of LLP “Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery”.

Activists of the Council for Youth Affairs of Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery, headed by Altyn Imantayeva, Director of the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Compensation of Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery, told about employment opportunities at the enterprise and dual training.

Separate interest among the students was caused by the activities of PSU college, as well as the military department, which provides an opportunity to get a military rank along with the main diploma.