A literary evening dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the People’s Writer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Abdilda Tazhibayev, Candidate of Philological Sciences and a round table based on a book by Saken Zhunusov “Akan Seri” to the 85 anniversary of the writer and playwright were held in the Kazakh literature sector of the library named after academician S.Beisembayev of S.Toraighyrov PSU.

During the meeting, students of the Faculty of Humanities and Education discussed the lyrical works of A. Tazhibayev, which were selected for the nationwide reading in 2019 by the committee of the republican campaign “One Country - One Book”.

Speaking about the diversity of topics of poems by A. Tazhibayev, a student of the department of Kazakh philology A. Sakhimzadinov noted that his poetry is closely connected with the past of the Kazakh people. The author has repeatedly addressed the issue of the indispensible link between generations and native land, which has become for him one of the sources of inspiration.

Student A. Aktas told in detail about the writer's work and the way of S.Zhunusov’s life:

- Saken Zhunusov was a many-sided man and showed his talent in various fields of art. For this, the Kazakh intellectuals called him Saken Seri. For over 40 years of creative activity, he enriched Kazakh literature with novels, dozens of plays and short stories, talented translations and sharp publicism.

Bright pictures of social life, daily routine and customs of Kazakh nomads of the second half of the 19th century are depicted in the novel “Akan Seri”. The plot is based on the real story of the life of the akyn and composer Akhan Koramsauly.

During the meeting, the students read poems and extracts from the prose works of the authors.