Young scientists of S.Toraighyrov PSU - Madina Karimbergenova, PhD, Associated Professor at the Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law, Asylkhan Mazdubai, PhD, Associate Professor and Aizhan Taskarina, PhD, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport became the owners of the State Scientific Scholarship for the achievement in science.

AAccording to Asylkhan Mazdubay, the award of the scholarship will help him with further research.

One of the works of the scientist sent to the competition is “Thermofriction cutting of metal stock materials».

“I want to continue this project — we need to develop work on the study of the distribution of the thermal field in the body of the stock material and the tool, see how heat is distributed in a pair of tool-stock materialnot only in the cutting area, but also in other parts”, he said.

Let us recall, the State Scientific Scholarship is awarded, including, to talented young scientists under the age of thirty-five years inclusive, who are actively involved in conducting research of scientific problems and have received recognition from the scientific community.