Senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh language and Journalism of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Kymbat Belgibayeva and a third-year student Rozalina Vakhitova took part in a four-day training on media literacy.

At the seminar, organized by Internews СА, they discussed new formats and interactive methods of generating media content, cyber security issues, etc.

Media literacy, in addition to intelligible consumption of information, teaches how to properly use search systems, how to distinguish quality sources of information from unfair, how to protect personal and financial information.

Senior teacher of the Kazakh language and journalism department Kymbat Belgibayeva believes that the discipline on media literacy should be introduced for students of all specialties of our university.

- Media literacy is useful not only for future journalists. In the digital, information age, it allows us to analyze what we see, read, ask questions, doubt, distinguish between fakes, propaganda, and manipulations”, K. Belgibayeva added.