Republican contest-festival “Elimіzdіn bolashagy zhardardyk kolynda” was held in Astana. The event was attended by students and undergraduates of nine Kazakhstani universities.

A team of the Faculty of Humanities and Education “Amanat” defended the honor of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Within the framework of the competition, the participants had to cope with difficult tasks for the knowledge of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru”, sacral geography of Kazakhstan and the President’s article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”.

One of the tests was the presentation of the team, where participants presented a separate historical figure. The choice of hero for the team of the PSU was univocal - Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov.

Thus, one of his famous works, “Men Kazak”, was performed by the future cultural expert Alibek Kabylda.

During the competition, students presented their projects, answered difficult questions about the historical places of the small homeland in the intellectual quick round of questions.

The modern Kazakh culture in the global world was spoken in the language of dance and music. With its performance, the team of PSU elicited applause from the audience, reflecting the evolution of the steppe culture in the song room.

According to the results of the grand prix festival was awarded to the “Amanat” team by the unanimous opinion of the jury.

“The main focus of our performance was aimed at meaning. We had very talented rivals. They presented very good performances, sang and danced well. It was not easy to win, but we did it”!- the students shared