The 5th World Taekwondo Cup in ITF was held in Minsk. More than 1,500 athletes from 17 countries of the world competed for the title of the best taekwondo practitioner.

The silver medal of the World Cup in the weight of 75 + kilograms in the age group of 16-17 years was won by a student of the Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law Sapar Alemkhan.

The athlete masterfully coped with all the fights, losing to the opponent from Russia.

“I was very seriously and purposefully preparing for this tournament, which bore fruit. For the taekwondo practitioner, it is necessary to aim an aim a stroke. After all, everything is taken into account: speed, experience and technology. Each correctly executed technique is a step towards victory”. Sapar Alemkhan shared.

It is worth noting that earlier S. Alemkhan repeatedly won prizes at numerous championships, he is also a master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The athlete is planning to participate in the World Cup, which will be held next year in Bulgaria.