Ruslan Maksatuly, a student of the Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law of the S.Toraighyrov PSU won the Republican annual competition of the Foundation Of The First President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan for student scholarships for outstanding achievements in the field of science and culture.

The winners are 43 students from all regions of the country.

As the winner shared his opinion, he is the author of seven scientific articles published in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, and four patented teaching methods, he expects that victory will help him in self-realization.

“In our country, many people talk about helping young talented scientists, but the Foundation of the First President provides this support in practice, which is an excellent motivation for further development and self-improvement as a researcher”, he says.

I hope that in time I will become a distinguished scholar and can apply my skills in Kazakhstan and abroad.

The directions that the student expects to devote himself to in the future is the creation of his own scientific school or implementation in political science.

The award ceremony took place at Turan University. 

The traditional XII scientific-practical conference devoted to the issues of science among young scientists was held at the event. 

Let us recall, that the Foundation was established in 2000 on the personal initiative of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Its mission is to develop the potential of Kazakhstan society, helping talented youth and supporting socially significant social projects.