Anatoly Boychin, Director of the Pavlodar Regional Branch of “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan”, lectured at S.Toraighyrov PSU for students of the university.

The meeting was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the national currency - tenge.

In addition, Halyk Bank celebrates its 95th anniversary - since the opening of the first savings bank in 1923.

The lecturer told about the history of money, the banking system of Kazakhstan, the features of using payment cards and Internet banking, shared personal experience and answered the questions of students.

The lecturer also noted the growing interest of young people in the implementation of their own business initiatives.

“Most often, the students are interested in the implementation and crediting of student start-up projects, which is very important now”, the speaker says. - In fact, we know how much attention is paid by the government to supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan.