Master’s degree students of the Department of Biotechnology of S.Toraighyrov PSU became the winners of the 1st All-Russian creative competition in the field of food biotechnology, technology of processing of vegetable raw materials and healthy nutrition “Unusual. Tasty. Biotechnological”.

Under the supervision of Professor Marina Temerbayeva, Candidate of Technological Sciences, graduate students at PSU were awarded in several nominations at once.

Gulnara Zhingulova won the first place in the nomination “The Best Bioproduct”, having developed the bio-product technology “ALTYN-SPORT” on a dairy basis with various flavoring fillers for sports nutrition.

The third place was won by Zarina Bralinova with a project on the biotechnology of a fermented milk product for baby food “Balakai” with a probiotic focus based on goat milk.

In the nomination “Useful and tasty”, Andrei Kudin also took the third place, proposing the development of sausage technology for functional nutrition.