A creative meeting with the poetess, journalist and cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olga Grigorieva took place in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event was organized by the Department of Russian Philology, together with the “Inspiration” literary club named after Academician S. Beysembaev.

During the meeting, Olga Nikolaevna’s admirers of poetic art recited poems, shared biography facts and interesting stories from the life of the poetess, and were able to ask the author questions and hear new works by the author.

In turn, O. Grigorieva presented to the readers a new collection of poems “Tsvetaeva motor ship”, telling about the history of its creation and creative plans.

“The lyrics of Olga Grigorieva are a self-portrait of our contemporaries, a strong and a woman of integrity who knows how to love and be loved, and therefore knows how to be happy. Poetry occupies all significant space in her life, and a white sheet of paper is a place of application of creative forces and fulfillment of hopes”, the undergraduate Narzhan Sadyk said.

Let us recall that the works of O. Grigorieva are familiar to lovers of poetry in Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Israel. She is the author of the poetic books “Mid October”, “Evening Plot”, “Lonely Tree Standing”, “Door”, “My Friends Sing”, “From Pavlodar with Love”, a collection of essays “You are a story, not a generation” for kids.

The works of Olga Grigorieva are among the best works of prose writers and poets included in the first volume of the seven-volume anthology “Modern Russian Abroad”, published in Moscow in 2006.