Barbara Marinho, PhD in Civil Engineering from University of Aveiro teaches at S.Toraighyrov PSU as part of the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on attracting of foreign specialists into teaching experience.

For one month, Barbara Marino will give lectures to students on the topic “Coastal Engineering and Management” at the Department of Industrial, Civil and Transport Construction.

According to her, about 70% of shores around the world suffer from problems of natural impacts.

“A civil engineer for protective protective structures must take into account wave heights, wind force, tides, flows, pace of erosion on the shore, physical data of sand, depth of the shore and future construction, material to build (stone, concrete or sand) and much more”, Barbara Marino says.

When asked what method would be preferable to solve the Irtysh underwashing problem of the Pavlodar paleontological monument of nature “Goose Fly”, Barbara suggested that the shore should be strengthened with concrete material, since the strong flow of the river would not allow the creation of bulk sand structures.