A solemn event dedicated to the 75th anniversary Maksut Shintemirov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor of the Faculty of architecture and construction was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The event was attended by representatives of the scientific community of the city, as well as teachers and students of the university.

G.Akhmetova, rector of the Perm State University named after Toraigyrov noted the contribution of the hero of the day to the training of specialists.

- Maksut Abdulkadyrovich is one of those who created the history of Pavlodar State University. A large number of builders of Kazakhstan have passed through your school, and this contribution is invaluable. I want to say a big thank you for your perseverance, integrity, responsibility and wish you good health and grateful students!

Let us add, Maksut Shintemirov, the author of more than 110 scientific and methodological works, eight copyright certificates, 15 teaching and teaching aids, for his scientific and pedagogical activity was awarded the medal “Veteran of Labor” and the badge “Honorary Worker of the MES RK”, also the title “Honorary Dean of the S.Toraighyrov PSU” and many other awards.