"There are borders between languages, but there are no borders between hearts”. At the first meeting of the book club “Inspiration” the participants read capacious and ingenious line of Rasul Gamzatov.

Rasul Gamzatov became one of the most beloved and readable writers of our time. The collections of his poems have been translated into dozens of languages and became very popular among poetry lovers.

Poems of R. Gamzatov turned into famous songs that were performed by famous composers and artists.

- This year R. Gamzatov would have turned 95 years old. And we want to pay tribute to the poet, a man of broad soul and extraordinary wisdom. - emphasized librarian Elena Likhanova.

She also noted that his poems were translated by Robert Rozhdestvensky, Andrei Voznesensky, Sergey Gorodetsky, etc. They were able to accurately convey all the poet's love for the Motherland, for people, for the world.

The students were well prepared for the evening, read the poet’s poems, sang songs.

- The poetic originality of the lines and colorful images of Rasul Gamzatovich makes us know and read them by heart. - said Adila Ibraeva, student of the Department of Russian Philology.