Pupils from Sarkand district of Almaty region visited S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University within the framework of “Rukhani zhangyru” program.

A comprehensive tour of PSU was conducted for the pupils, where they were introduced to the work of the university, told about the laboratories, key departments of the university and student organizations.

The students' genuine interest was caused by the finds of the archaeological museum and exhibits of the museum dedicated to the work of the “Dos-Mukasan” band.

During the visit, which will last until July 28, the children will visit the vacation retreat “Bayantau”, will visit the sacral places of Bayanaul National Nature Park, where they will get acquainted with several objects. Including the museum and the grave of the poet S. Toraighyrov, Saka burial mounds, caves Abylaytas and Konyr Auliye, sacral places of the Bronze Age, a holy spring and exhibits of the K. Satpaev’s museum.

The excursion through the natural landmark of Eskeldy and acquaintance with the mausoleum and the museum of Mashkhur Zhusup will finish the trip.