Senior lecturer of the Department of Architecture and Design of Pavlodar State University, a member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zura Asylgazina was recognized as the best artist of 2018 and awarded a grant from akim of Pavlodar region.

Rewarding took place within the framework of the festive ceremony “Rukhani madeniet – alemdi zhanartudyn kilti” (“Spiritual Culture - the Key to Modernizing the World”) dedicated to the Day of the Worker of Culture and Art.

During the event, more than 50 cultural and art workers were awarded with Certificates of Honor and letters of thanks from the akim of Pavlodar region, the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and badges.

In addition, winners were named in the nominations “The Best Poet of the Year”, “The Best Actor of the Year”, “The Best Composer of the Year”, “The Best Librarian of the Year” and others.

In her works, which are differed by freshness of perception and boldness, Z. Asylgazina pays special attention to the color scale and general form. Its main task is the transfer of mood and state. The favorite genre is the landscape.

Zura Meyramovna regularly participates in contests, festivals and plein airs, her best works were repeatedly presented at national and international exhibitions.