S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University hosted a charity fundraising fair for the three-year-old Aylin Zhaynakova - the girl has a Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma), which requires an expensive treatment at a cost of $ 50,000.

At the fair there were delicious homemade выпечка of famous confectioners and amateur masters, handicrafts of garmentmakers, leather products in national style and much more. Also, any person could give a donation in a special box for fund raising. 

In addition, at the fair there was a lottery among coupons from the purchases, the prizes were a photo shoot, an authors hairstyle, a subscription for the Jiu Jitsu and Grappling Academy and the school of Taekwondo.

As a result of the charity fair, the sum in the amount of 314,840 tenge was raised. All proceeds will be transferred to the treatment of Aylin.