Lee Young Hoon and Lim Young Son, professors from Kyungdong University (South Korea) visited Pavlodar State University.

An expanded discussion of educational programs took place during the visit.

Within the specialty “Physical Culture and Sport” a new double-degree educational program on Taekwondo is launched, in conjunction with Kyungdong University (South Korean) and the Taekwondo School of Kim Song Su.

In her welcoming speech Gaukhar Akhmetova, Candidate of Philosophical Science, rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University expressed her confidence that the mutual interest of two universities will be gradually implemented, and taekwondo will become the first direction in long-term cooperation.

The rector also noted that it is planned to organize an intensive study of the Korean language, which will allow students to continue their studies in South Korea.

During the meeting the guests got acquainted with the work of the “Sunkar”  sports complex and the center of the multilingual education, visited the museum complex and coworking center.

Также ректор отметила, что планируется организовать усиленное изучение корейского языка, которое позволит студентам продолжить обучение в Южной Корее.