Students of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University became prizewinners of republican subject Olympiads on several specialties.

Several sets of awards in the Republican polylingual olympiad in foreign languages “Triunity of languages” were won by students of non-linguistic specialties of PSU.

The competition was held at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. 

The PSU team took part in three directions: English, German and French. Students showed their knowledge in writing and listening, competed in improvisation on various topics.

In the direction of the English language, Timur Iskender became the best speaker, taking second place. Saltanat Taizhanova won “The best speech”.

Silver competitions and the nomination “The best speaker” in German got Luiza Ibragimova. Indira Mustafina is the winner of the nomination “The best Grammar”.

In the knowledge of the French language Zhalgaskhan Sadyk showed excellent results, having won an honorable third place.

Narxoz University (Almaty) hosted the Olympiad in Social and Human Sciences. On the specialty “Economics” the third place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law under the leadership of Professor Alexey Titkov, Candidate of Economical Sciences.

In the Republican competitions in the discipline “Power plants for transport equipment” the students of the Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics under the leadership of Ersen Ordabayev won the second place in the team event. The silver of the individual event was won by Madina Tashenova.

A. Bolusbekova in the team of the Department of Metallurgy performed with dignity, winning the third place of the Republican Olympiad. A. Zhakenova's research work also got the third place.

In the intellectual battle at D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, the team of PSU under the leadership of Candidate of Technical; Siences, associate professor Asylbek Kasenov showed excellent results in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering”: Madi Zhakenov won the second place, Nikolai Zaichenko won the third place.

Violetta Nekrytaya is the bronze winner of the IX Republican inter-university students subject Olympiad on the specialty “Standardization, certification and metrology”.

In addition, students of the Energy faculty of PSU became winners of WorldSkills Kazahstan - Pavlodar - 2018 regional championship in the direction of electronics. The students masterfully coped with theoretical and practical tasks, including the construction of volt-ampere characteristics of various semiconductor devices.

The best in the competition was recognized Darkhan Isenov, who won the first place. Nurzhan Bіrіmkul became a silver medalist. Ainur Altynbek is the winner of the third place.

It should be noted that the victory in the regional stage gave the students the opportunity to participate in the WSK National Championship as part of the regional team.