A new project IT talks will start at Pavlodar state university on May 3.

Ram Viranjan, the Vice-Rector for Internationalization of Education of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Doctor PhD, Head of the Department of Fine Arts of Kurukshetra University (India) will be the first invited speaker

Professor R. Viranjan will talk about the use of IT in advertising and design

IT talks is an open community, and everyone interested in the development of the IT industry can become a participant.

IT talks is a real opportunity for professionals, teachers, students and young developers to exchange news, share technical solutions, present them to colleagues and all concerned.

IT talks is a convenient tool for meeting the needs for professional communication, sharing knowledge and experience.

IT talks is an association of professionals who are able to participate in the life of the business community, regardless of the organization in which they work.

Participation in IT talk meetings is free.