Students and potential employers met at the traditional graduate fair, which was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University named. This year there will be more than nine hundred graduates.

Graduates had the opportunity to meet personally with the heads of leading industrial enterprises, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, banks, law enforcement agencies. The students left a resume and passed a preliminary interview.

Annually PSU, together with the Office for Labour and Social Programs, conducts such meetings, helping students with employment, and employers in finding qualified personnel.

An analysis of past years shows that the annual employment of graduates is more than 95%.

According to Zinaida Zhanpeisova, the head of the division of practice and employment, the university has concluded long-term agreements with leading enterprises and organizations on the traineeship with the further employment of graduates, where students of 2-4 courses undertake industrial and pre-diploma training, and after receiving diplomas they are employed on the same enterprises.

In addition, on the day before the graduates passed the procedure of pedagogical distribution, where they also met with employers - representatives of city and personnel departments, principals.