A reading conference was held in the reading room of the Kazakh literature sector of the University library under the aegis of the annual republican campaign “One country – one book”.

In 2018, the works of the famous Kazakh poet, philosopher, thinker and historian Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev were selected for general reading in Kazakhstan.

Scientists-experts and Mashkhur scholars took part in the discussion.

Taking interest in spiritual treasures of the East and West, Shakarim got an opportunity to get acquainted with a lot of works, with the legacy of such poets and thinkers as Hafiz, Fizuli, Navoi, and also works of Byron, A.S. Pushkin, L. Tolstoy.

He independently mastered Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Russian languages, was a member of the West Siberian Branch of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.

One of the main works of the writer is his philosophical treatise “Three Truths”, to which he devoted 30 years of life. In his main book, the author examines the study of the man’s soul, speaks of the meaning of life and the purpose of man, noting that the strongest support for spiritual exaltation is conscience. So, continuing to develop the “science of conscience”, Shakarim creates the concept of truth.

At one time this work was translated from Arabic into Latin, from Latin into Russian, and in subsequent years into Kazakh.

It should be noted that for a long time Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev's work was forgotten, there was a ban on the publication of his works.

The participants agreed that the legacy of Shakarim is multifaceted, and the deep moral problems involved in the writer's work allow us to judge about the relevance of his research at the present time.

Philologists and experts- Mashkhur scholars conducted a comparative analysis of Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev’s works of and Maskhur Zhusip, noting that the great thinkers are united in their phylosophical provocations.

During the event, a book exhibition with a bibliographic overview of literature and e-books was presented to the audience.