International Women's Day was celebrated at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

By the good and annual tradition, men of the university made a lot of efforts, creativity and talents, so that on the eve of the International Women's Day the women of the university could feel the man's love and care.

Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Gaukhar Akhmetova gave a congratulatory speech

“Dear ladies! I sincerely congratulate all on the beginning of the spring holidays. You are the honor and pride of our alma mater. Let the inspiration and unquenchable energy that our colleagues give today, always accompany you. I wish all of us to learn how to extract the maximum and become the best version of ourselves”.

The performances of the concert program pleased the audience and became a present.

An unexpected surprise for all was the music number from the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Marat Kuderin and his colleagues. Theatrical performance in the style of the 90s from the Faculty of Chemical Technologies and Natural Science and Performance of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport caused a storm of applause.

The festive concert was filled with smiles and warm words addressed to beautiful and charming women.