An open lecture “Roman alphabet and Oriental languages” by professor in Oriental Studies Michal Adamiak (Warsaw, Poland) was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. Professor of the University of Warsaw dedicated a lecture to the analysis of the switch of the Turkic languages to Roman script.

The event was held within the framework of the “Rukhani zhangyru” program and organized by the Department of History of Kazakhstan.

According to M .Adamiak, the Roman alphabet, introduced in 1929, could become a symbolic unifying factor for numerous Turkic peoples, but with the introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet the difference between sounds, and later words, increased in the Turkic languages.

“Kazakhstan is in the center of Eurasia, you understand both China and Europe, you have a broad since from childhood, you see twice as large as many others, since childhood you know two languages. It turns out that the people of Kazakhstan call the whole world by two names”,  he emphasized.

In addition, the professor in Oriental studies noted that it is not easy to change the alphabet, especially if it is such a rich language as Kazakh. But with a reasonable approach and with account of all the inaccuracies of the experience of other countries, such switch will bear fruit.