The second day of the elimination stage of the Republican project of the 3rd season of the STARTUP BOLASHAK contest “Menіn Armanym” was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

In his speech, the executive secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aryn Orsariyev, said:

“We want educational organizations in Kazakhstan to give not just knowledge, but applied knowledge for many years to come. Today, the question which knowledge will not become obsolete, which will remain – arises as never before. We want to develop an important skill - the skill of entrepreneurship. If we learn to achieve results, despite the negative influence of the environment and the lack of resources, we can call ourselves entrepreneurs, and in 20-30 years our profession will remain just as popular”.

He also noted that the Kazakhstani education system will be able to accept and implement entrepreneurial ideas that will give students an opportunity to earn money.

“Students will not just look for work, they will learn to create it. Here, in Pavlodar, we have repeatedly proved that this is possible. Now we want to extend the Pavlodar experience of student entrepreneurship to the whole Kazakhstan”,  Aryn Amangeldiyevich emphasized. 

According to the rector of Pavlodar State University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Gaukhar Akhmetova, for Pavlodar State University it is an honor to host and open a competition.

For three days at the elimination stage in Pavlodar 434 projects submitted by young people from 16 to 35 years were considered. In addition to the regional center, the representatives of Zhelezinka, May and Bayanaul districts took part in the competition. In the quarterfinals entered 34 best projects, selected by mentors. Following Pavlodar State University qualifying stages will be held in 15 universities of Kazakhstan.

“I hope that those future millionaires and billionaires, who are now among the participants, will glorify our Kazakhstan”, added G.Akhmetova.

During the competition, were provided with trainings, work on the Kanvas business model, on the creation of a pitch-presentation and others were organized for participants.

The right to evaluate and select the best projects for participation in the next stage of the competition was granted to experts and mentors, who were representatives of the banking sector, education, private businessmen, and business coaches.