Annual pre-New Year meeting of rector of S.Toraighyrov PSU Gaukhar Akhmetova with orphan students and students left without parental care, was held at Pavlodar State University.

In her speech, the rector noted that for today Pavlodar State University has about one hundred students left without parental care. For them, the university provides support in the form of benefits for training, free accommodation in the dormitory, as well as free meals and transportation.

“You are adult creative and purposeful young people who know exactly what do you want to achieve. The main thing that will help you stand at any time is your knowledge and professionalism. It is very important and valuable for us that having received the opportunity to study, you will be able to accomplish yourself in life and become experts in your chosen profession”, said G. Akhmetova.

In her speech, Gaukhar Galymovna turned to the philosophical parable about the person's attitude to life situations and difficulties, and wished everyone to be able to change the proposed circumstances, turning them for good, acquiring new knowledge and skills.

As a New Year's gift soloists of the student philharmonic performed musical numbers.