A delegation consisting of the dean of the Foundation faculty, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Saule Ksembayeva and senior teacher of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department Samal Anikeyeva completed a training in the framework of the UNICEF international project “Strengthening of educational programs in the specialty “Social Work”.

Professors from the University of Tirana, Veronika Duchi and Izela Tahshini (Albania), teachers of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, leading personnel training in this educational trajectory, as well as various organizations that carry out work on rendering social services to the population were involved in this training.

The discussions examined new technologies and supervisions of social work, models of social workers training in various countries of the world, aspects of interaction with children who found themselves in conflict and contact with the law, etc. 

In addition, S.Toraighyrov PSU was included in a pilot project to test new educational and working groups for the implementation of the Concept for the Further Modernization of the Social Service System in the Republic of Kazakhstan

According to Samal Antikeyeva, with the development of the practice of social work, a variety of concepts arose.

“Currently, all forms of social education have many differences, which vary in the duration and approach to training. In this regard, the change in the knowledge system, the combination of our and world experience, the development of uniform standards of training are important aspects of the training of social workers”, S. Antikeyeva added.