Graduation qualification works of students of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of Pavlodar State University were highly appreciated at the 7th international festival of architectural - construction and design schools of Eurasia.

The festival, which brought together representatives of more than fifty universities and students from eleven countries, is held with the aim of strengthening the role of universities in the vocational guidance of students.

The festival was held in two stages. The works that were selected at the Republican show contest in Almaty were presented in Samara. Students of PSU have been participating in the international festival for four years, each time winning prizes.

The work of Aziya Kairgeldinova won the first place diploma. The work of student Ayzhan Zhumash won the diploma of the second degree in the direction "Technology of industrial and civil construction" awarded. In the category "Architecture", the diploma of the third degree received the work of Milas Bekenov.