On November 3, 2017, the conference "Agrarian science to livestock farming development" was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, dedicated to Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Zeynolla Kalymbekovich Tokayev.

Rector of Pavlodar State University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Gaukhar Akhmetova in her speech noted the great contribution of Zeynolla Tokayev to the development of the agro-industrial complex and modern science of Kazakhstan.

Zeynolla Tokayev became the author of the new breed of sheep "Baiys". The results of his many years of research are summarized in 175 scientific works, monographs and textbooks.

For many years Zeynolla Kalymbekovich headed Shakarim State University. He is a talented mentor, he educated a generation of excellent experts in veterinary and agricultural areas.

Over ten of his students work at PSU, honored candidates and doctors of science.

Today, despite the venerable age, Zeynolla Tokayev continues his teaching with full dedication, where he shares his invaluable experience with young scientists, teachers and students.

At the solemn event Z. Tokayev was awarded the title of honorary professor of Pavlodar State University.