The Second Asian-African Youth Festival was held in Beijing as part of the “One Belt – One Road” strategy.

The main purpose of the festival was the exchange of experience and the establishment of contacts in the field of youth policy in different sectors of the Asian-African region.

Representatives from 38 countries were invited to participate in the Youth Festival: Tanzania, Egypt, Algeria, Kenya, Sri Lanka, India, South Africa and others.

The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented by eight delegates: young people under the age of 35 who have already contributed to the development of science and art, public and political activities.

The representative of our country in the delegation of Kazakhstan was the senior lecturer of the Department of Department of Vocational Education and Environmental Protection of Pavlodar State University, PhD Doctor, Irina Chidunchi.

"Participants of the festival were involved in discussions and dialogues, exchanged experience and achievements in the field of scientific research, organization of work of youth associations", - Irina Yuryevna said.

Also, the participants visited several higher educational institutions, assessing the organization of the educational process and leisure of students of Chinese universities. "Training classes, laboratories, a library, dormitories, a dining room and study rooms are organized at a high level. The university is a small town in which all students live and study", - shared Irina Chidunchi.

In addition, she noted that there was a rich cultural program during the festival. Extended tours to the museum of the terracotta army and a visit to the Great Wall of China were organized.