S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University hosted an evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Pavlodar poet, member of the the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan Viktor Gavrilovich Semeryanov.

The festive event "Visiting Viktor Semeryanov" was organized by the readers club "Inspiration" of the scientific library named after S. Beisembayev.

The evening began with the film "Cities and people. Pavlodar. Victor Semeryanov", which opened to viewers new unknown facts from the life of the beloved poet.

In the continuation of the topic, a conversation was organized for the students of the philological faculty, highlighting the life and creative ways of the poet. The favorite lines of lyrical works performed by the author sounded at the evening: "Usolka", "Irtysh", "To beloved", "Come, guests", "I think about my mother" and others.

A student of the Department of Russian Philology Adila Ibraeva noted that Victor Gavrilovich is a great poet who lyrically and authentically builds his images, putting his soul in them, covering various topics. "In his work, over the years, he sings of the nature, the native Irtysh River, which became his main muse and the cradle of creativity, a close acquaintance with which happened in those years when he was the captain of the ship," she said.

Work of Semeryanov distinguished delicate lyricism, limpid clarity of language and thought., Many songs have been written on his poems, some of them also sounded at the event.

The poetry of Victor Gavrilovich always remains in demand, differing by particular lyricism and spirituality. Victor Grigoryevich is also known as a talented translator of Kazakh poets, including Abay's works.

As part of the event, the librarian of the literature sector, Elena Likhanova, presented the book exhibition "I regret about nothing...", which showed books, collections of poems, journal publications, translations of Viktor Gavrilovich.