The beginning of the academic year the university met with the Day of Health. In the last Saturday, administration, teachers and first-year students of S. Toraighyrov PSU dedicated their weekends to a healthy lifestyle.

New students met on this day to congratulate each other again on the beginning of a new stage in their life, and also to test the strength, endurance and unity of teams.

During the solemn forming-up, the participants was welcomed by the rector of Pavlodar State University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, professor Gaukhar Akhmetova, wishing  teams victory, noting that all those, who gathered today are already winners, because they chose our university.

The students not only showed their physical training, dexterit in a variety of sports, but also demonstrated musical talents.

Each student was able to try hand in being in the role of runner, football player and boxer.

All faculties participated in team competitions.

Sporting enthusiasm and intensity of the fight turned out to be especially tense and emotional in the tug of war.