On August 12, students of the military department of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, trained in programs with subsequent awarding a rank of lieutenants of the reserve, took the military oath. This year 78 students from the multi-profile university graduate from this program.

The welcoming speech was addressed to the guests and participants of the holiday by the Vice-rector on development strategy, educational and social work, doctor of political sciences, professor Arman Akishev. "Today is a special day for PSU and for the entire region as a whole, since the last class of graduatest of the military department in our region was in 2006. Two years ago, thanks to the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as the Ministry of Defense, we restored the military department, which was a great victory for the university and for the region".

After the command: "Proceed to take the military oath!" - each student personally, with weapons in his hands solemnly swore an oath of allegiance to the Motherland. This moment became the most exciting for both the students and their relatives and friends.

After taking the military oath, students solemnly marched with the main personnel. For all the gathered the students performed the anthem of the military department and danced their final waltz.

The solemn military event continued with a bright proposal of the hand and heart. Right on the parade ground, a young man with other students unexpectedly came out to the middle of the parade, forming a big heart. After the cherished "Yes", dozens of balloons wentinto the sky.

"It's not easy to get into the ranks of students. Young people came throught a difficult selection. For two years, students studied military disciplines, the regulations of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, engaged in marching training. The last month they spent at training camps in military unit 2878 of the East Kazakhstan region, where they learned to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, mastered firearms,tactical and engineering training, performed other combat training tasks", said Lieutenant Colonel Sabit Shintemirov, head of the military department of Pavlodar State University.