S. Toraigyrov PSU visited the teacher of the secondary school of the Elroy city, Wisconsin, the master of agricultural sciences Beth Kolodzinski.

The guest arrived in the framework of the "School-sisters" project, which involves the connection of rural schools in the USA and Kazakhstan. 

Beth Kolodzinski has already visited a school in Pavlodar region in the Saryshygynak village.

Beth is an agronomist, so the activity of the agro-technological faculty of PSU was of particular interest to her.

In addition, a sightseeing tour was organized for the guest, during which Beth Kolodzinsky got acquainted with the technical base and laboratories of the university. 

During the meeting Beth Kolodzinski noted the important cooperation of PSU with local farmers. As an example, B. Kolodzinski has shown a project for introduction of virus-free potato, the technology of which is in usage of microcloning for virus-free growing of potato seeds (not tubers). 

According to the guest, the "School-sisters" program can become a new page in the history of Kazakhstan and the USA in various areas of school education.