Students of S. Toraighyrov PSU have won winning places at the International Student Olympiad on foreign languages (English, German, French) among students of non-linguistic specialties.

Olympiad took place on the basis of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

The competition was attended by students of the leading universities of Kazakhstan, as well as from Omsk and Yekaterinburg.

The participants have demonstrated their skills in writing, listening, reading and speaking.

Timur Eskender had no equal in the intelligent contest for English language knowledge, he showed great knowledge of language and won the first place. Anastasia Dolbnya also has demonstrated skills of German language proficiency and the she was awarded the third place.

In addition, students Kamila Almagambetova, Ilyas Kazambayev, Zhalgaskhan Sadyk, Anna Ukrainets were awarded diplomas for participation in the competition.

"Our students have shown a high level of foreign languages proficiency and worthy coped with all tasks. More responsibility has added the fact, that speaking on the proposed theme was carried out only by native speakers. Now the foreign languages knowledge is one of the main criteria of the creation of a competitive society. We set ourselves the task to teach languages to students of all specialties at the worthy level",- says Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor Beibytnur Zhumabekova.