Representatives of the department of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of S. Toraighyrov PSU took part in the International online conference "Ethnosocial processes in Kazakhstan and cross-border regions: the peculiarities of doing research at the regional level."

The event was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Among the contributors were the speakers from Altai State University, as well as representatives of the Friendship House of East Kazakhstan region.

Her point of view on this issue expressed Gulfayruz Zhapekova, Associate Professor, candidate of historical sciences. "Any ethnosocial processes such as evolution and transformation lead to important changes in the ethnic communities. The main among these are the ethnic consolidation and intercultural communication, integrating a disparate group of the same ethnic group and preserving  its basic features, "- said Gulfayrus Kabdulovna.

Overall, the conference was a productive dialogue platform. Speakers discussed the work of the universities in this matter and exchanged personal experiences. It was also noted the active participation of "Birlik" Student Assembly of PSU.