Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan at PSU for the second time spent a student Viennese Ball organized by activists of the Pavlodar state university.

That evening, a atmosphere solemn, filled with excitement and anticipation of a fairy tale interwove with the smiles and glint in the eyes of charming girls and guys loftiness. In the best traditions of the XVIII century balls 32 pairs were dancing in the marble halls.

In the first three branches of the ball were historical dances: waltz, cotillion and quadrille. To get acquainted with these directions in advance, have been specially organized dance classes, where anyone can learn the art of historical dances.

Ball program included not only the dances. Guests were presented theatrical performances. There also were the musical gifts from soloists of Philharmonic of Pavlodar State University.

"Student balls are becoming a good tradition of Pavlodar State University. Ball is a special magic, transforming space and time, and it was possible to see how with the music pairs were dancing. The main thing is to recreate the atmosphere of that time. And I think we did it,"- says Aydar Muratov, a chairman of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan.

What a ball without a king and queen? PSU Viennese Ball is no exception. The best knowledge of the rules of etiquette and excellent dance technique showed Dina Chumarova ( Faculty of Energy Engineering) and Temerlan Meyramov (Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences).