By the decision of the evaluation committee Umut Amrinova, Gylymgul Talgat, Danagul Zhanat, Aliya Laubay, Madina Syzdykova are the winners of the scholarship program of the Foundation "KAZKA", initiated by the public association "Taiburyl".

Every month students will receive 30 thousand tenge for one semester. Also, with the support of the public foundation "Bereke" student of the Agrotechnological Faculty Danagul Zhanat awarded an educational grant for one academic year.

By condition, in the contest can participate students of Bachelor program. When considering applications the contest committee took into account the achievements of the students, his involvement in science, sports and culture,  awards and prizes at international and national contests and competitions, active participation in public life of university.

Her impressions from the monthly scholarship contest from the "KAZKA association told of the Agrotechnological Faculty Madina Syzdykova .

"The award of these scholarships - is an important and good initiative. The scholarship will be for me a great help in the realization of my goals. For example, in studying foreign languages. I hope that with time, this assistance is converted into knowledge and experience that will help me become a successful person and a professional in his field", - said a student.