Students of S. Toraighyrov PSU became winners of the intellectual game "Brain Ring" among teams of higher educational institutions of the region.

The organizers of the intellectual game was the Department of the Ministry of Public Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar region and SF" Jas Tolkyn Pavlodar ".

The objective area of the contest was the coverage of topical issues of the legal status of civil servants, increase the image, as well as limitations and restrictions in the public service.

While preparing the teams a lot of attention was paid to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law "On Public Service of Kazakhstan" and "On Combating Corruption" and a code of ethics for public servants.

PSU team consisted of six students of the Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law.

The team captain, Gizzat Sultan, PSU student said that the game teaches to make decisions in crisis situations in a matter of seconds:

"It's a flash-like game at speed and acuteness, where each fight - it is a opposition between two teams. In brain-ring very is important ability not only to quickly find an answer to a question, but also to accept and announce it faster than rivals. In this game, the teams need to be both bold and careful not to forget to detailed check all arising version. We have managed to combine the quality, reach the top of the pedestal and worthily represent our university, "- said Gizzat.