The scientific community of Pavlodar celebrated the anniversary of Suleimenov Marat Alibaevich, the Doctor of Chemistry, professor of chemistry and chemical technology department at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

Professor Suleimenov M.A. published over a hundred papers (research papers, monographs, textbooks, copyright certificates of the USSR).

Professor successfully conducts scientific research in the field of catalysis, led the research work of students and graduates.

In his speech, Aryn Orsariyev, Rector S.Toraighyrov of Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Political Sciences,  said: "Today you obtain the results of your many years of work. Thank you for your innovative attitude to the work, thanks to which you have successfully developed in collaboration with leading teachers and researchers of the faculty a number of working curricula and modernized educational disciplines "- said Aryn Amangeldiyevich.

On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan professor was awarded the badge "Ybyrai Altynsarin".

As guests of honor at the ceremonial meeting were representatives of universities from different regions.